Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Kid of the village
Don't know that they are cold
Gathered on the hill
What grandpa made them
Are flying a kite
The kite tail swings
Flying in the sky
In my heart
With the stiff kite string
I send my heart up with it
I send it far away
Fly high in the sky!
My heart also fly!
Fly with all my dreams
Become one
Become one in my heart...
Don't know that they are cold
Gathered on the hill
What grandpa made them
Are flying a kite
The kite tail swings
Flying in the sky
In my heart
With the stiff kite string
I send my heart up with it
I send it far away
Fly high in the sky!
My heart also fly!
Fly with all my dreams
Become one
Become one in my heart...
I like it...
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Marah itu mudah....Sabar itu indah~~
ukuran kekuatan seseorang itu dengan bergusti tetapi orang yang kuat
itu adalah orang yang mampu mengawal hawa nafsu ketika marah.” - Hadis riwayat Bukhari
“Sabar yang sebenarnya ialah sabar pada saat bermula (pertama kali) tertimpa musibah.” – Hadith riwayat Bukhari
p/s: mahu sabar dalam pre-reg...lalala~
Istimewa Buat Dirimu,
tazkirah jiwa